Observing Technology Innovation: Satellite

Summary and Expectations

This session will present the new satellite sensors being developed or proposed over the next decade, to enhance our global observations of ocean surface parameters, many aiming at finer scale ocean processes. The dynamical processes being observed are diverse and complementary (SST, SSS, SSH, winds and waves, ocean color, marine gravity), and their synergestic use will be discussed. Linking these satellite observations of smaller, rapid processes to the upper ocean vertical structure also requires a new reflection on the required in-situ sampling at these scales.

Expected Outcomes/Recommendations

  • Enhance high-resolution coverage in space and time of satellite observations extending into the polar regions, coastal and regional seas, and in the equatorial band, whilst maintaining long-term continuity in the satellite observing system.
  • Fly Missions to cover Gaps in observed ocean ECVs/EOVs where the technology exists: total surface currents, wave spectra, vertical plankton distribution, ….
  • Promote synergy and co-ordination between agencies for (1) multiple sensors, platforms and disciplines for an integrated virtual constellation to observe the ocean’s small rapid scales globally, and (2) for in-situ Calval infrastructure.